IXL Lounge road test – Infra-red Sauna Therapy


One of our favourite parts of our new CBD studio is that it is located inside Sharkra Medispa, meaning that we have pampering treatments available at our fingertips! Sharkra recently added an infra-red sauna to their offering, so the IXL team wanted to find out a bit more about it. Continue reading

Five tips to get you out of your winter rut!

Winter is here and it’s often a time of year that we find it hard to stay moving. Here are 5 tips to help you get motivated and stay on track:

Tip #1  – Plan Smart 

Don’t set yourself up for failure with “quick fixes”, think of how you can make small changes to your lifestyle and set realistic goals.  Set yourself a deadline to make yourself accountable and don’t forget to reward yourself once you reach your goal! Lots of small changes will add up and are more likely to become part of your life for long term results.

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We are featured in Women’s Fitness!


We are so excited to feature in the July issue of Women’s Fitness! In their special yoga edition, the spotlight is on our SCULPT class, our unique signature class that Deborah brought to IXL and our original students 3 years ago.

A massive, massive thanks to all those who have stuck with us through thick and thin, rain and shine and all dramas and laugher we have shared ! Deborah and Bonita are always looking for new and fun ways to make our students sweat and we looking forward to bringing you more sculpt next term with some special new additions so watch this space!

Find out more information and bookings for our sculpt class here.


How to add more gratitude to your day

nvladztwm1x5khedysgqHaving gratitude is really taking a moment to be thankful for what we have in our lives.

This can be as simple as being grateful for having the time to make it to your yoga mat to practice to having gratitude for your loved ones or other things in your life. Practicing gratitude over time helps keep things in perspective and can make you feel a lot happier with what you have, plus strengthen your relationships! Here are some ways you can start to incorporate gratitude into your life:

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